Human Evolution

To sum up our previous posts,

Animals that don’t have camouflage, are meant to be seen, because they defend territory. (It’s because it pays to be seen, and that is not down to one cause alone) If the warning colorated subspecies suffers from predation,  they’ll be camouflaged for the predators, and visible to the competitors and mates.

The deal about Nordics is that the warning coloration goes outside the spectrum of the human eye, a strong indication that the humans were top predators.The only time wild animals will attack humans in N-Europe, is to end up between a big animals and her kids, and that normally don’t happen, as the all of them will run away at the first sight, sound or smell of a human.  If you look at the humans that live as hunter gatherers, it’s pretty obvious that they are not visible in the same way as white people. If you look at their coloration, it’s not only darker, the coloration of the skin vary like with the other camouflaged animals.


If White people evolved as coastal dwellers that defended the beach, river delta, island, small lake etc, rather than as hunters of mammoth, it could explain not only white people’s warning coloration,  it could explain why an angling Englishman’s house is his castle, and why we both try to understand and improve the territory we live off, and why the brown races don’t seem to care about truth outside what the group see as true, and they don’t really seem to like to do home improvement or gardening like white people do.




The important thing here, is not how exactly whites or brown lived, but that they lived in environments subjugated to different evolutionary pressures. None of the ones that destroyed their own territory and were unable to take a territory from somebody else, became our forefathers, while nobody that evolved as nomads, got any improved fitness from investing time in improving or understanding the territory, as they got cucked by chad.

It was first when you could expect to pass on your territory to your children, did it pay to invest long term in a better territory, like clearing forests  or scare away predators  to attract grazing animals. Once the dynamic of improving and understanding your territory started, replanting wild leeks and removing their competitors, noticing how seeds work and so on, is a natural step.

For the beachcombers among them, understand how the tides worked, also became important, as mentioned before.

Animals could also be domesticated in a different manner if this is true, as the humans would only need to kill fewer animals than the other predators. The humans could also have use tame Judas-goats to lure wild animals for predation, or placed them on islands and spared the tamer and killed the wilder.

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